MPV Models
The MPV Series of Positive Displacement Flow Meters by SEIM come in three models with a combined range of 0.25 - 154 GPM with accuracy of >2%. All Flow Meters can operate in an extended range above the standard with a minimal loss in accuracy.
All three models of Flow Meters operate with a standard 3-wire reading sensor producing a square wave which is readable by electronic displays which are also available from Shanley Pump and Equipment.
Please feel free to view each of the meters we carry and if you have any questions please contact us with your application data so we me give you the best flow-reading options for your necessary requirements.
MPV Flow Meter Advantages
The MPV Three Screw Flow Meter has many advantages over Oval gear, turbine, ultrasonic and inline flow meter reading systems including:
- No straight pipe-runs required for installation
- No Pulsation
- Low Pressure Drop
- High Efficiency
- Low Cost
- Maintenence Free

MPV 025 Screw Flow Meter
The MPV025 Positive Displacement Screw Flow Meter by SEIM utilizes three screws for added accuracy in measurement over other flow meter designs. The MPV 025 represents the lowest flow reading capability for the MPV series with a range of 0.25 to 12 GPM with an accuracy of >2%.

MPV 040 Screw Flow Meter
The specialized shape of the precision ground screws ensures that their rotation corresponds to exact volume measurements which is in turn measured and quantifiably determined by the highly accurate attached sensor.
The MPV 040 is our medium range flow meter for highly viscous liquids with a range of 2.3-45 GPM with an accuracy of >2%.

MPV 060 Screw Flow Meter
The MPV060 Positive Displacement Screw Flow Meter by SEIM utilizes three screws for added accuracy in measurement com paired to other designs. The MPV 060 represents the highest flow reading capability for the MPV series with a range of 7.6 - 154 GPM with >2% accuracy.